Dermatoses of the Eye, Eyelids and Eyebrows

Valerie P. J. Saw, Jonathan N. Leonard


When managing patients with skin disease it is important not to overlook associated ocular conditions or side effects of dermatological therapies, which may result in blindness or permanent sight impairment if not managed promptly and appropriately. This chapter focuses on conditions that commonly occur in clinical practice and that present a management problem, including rosacea/blepharitis, allergic eye disease, cicatrizing conjunctivitis, infections and eyelid tumours. Conditions that could threaten visual acuity and require urgent referral to an ophthalmologist are highlighted. Finally, systemic diseases affecting both the skin and eyes, in which ophthalmic assessment can help to make the diagnosis, are outlined.
Keywords rosacea, blepharitis, ocular allergy, atopy, cicatrizing conjunctivitis, eyelid tumour, eye infection


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