Cutaneous Amyloidoses

Stephan Schreml


Amyloids are common protein aggregates in nature. Some amyloids fulfil important biological tasks while others are known to cause diseases. Despite the fact that the ultrastructure of amyloid is highly conserved, the mechanism of amyloidogenesis remains a challenging research topic. In humans, amyloidoses can develop primarily in the skin, or systemic amyloidoses can lead to secondary cutaneous involvement. An accurate diagnostic procedure is crucial for planning therapy in this heterogeneous group of diseases. This chapter gives an overview of the different kinds of cutaneous amyloidoses as well as on diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. Furthermore, the contrast between functional and diseaseā€causing amyloid is discussed.
Keywords amyloid, amyloidosis, amyloidogenesis, lichen amyloidosus, macular amyloidosis, nodular amyloidosis, cutaneous amyloidosis, systemic amyloidosis, diagnostics, treatment


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